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Mission & Vision

Dear Farmer / Fellow,
Likewise other companies Welcome to their customers and partners we "Hari Kranti" call it as an opportunity of satisfied growth! You are stepping into a family where your experience will be different from other organizations. Hari Kranti is predominately sharing the vision of Indian Agriculture & World Health Organization to control & eradicate the critical trouble called "Hidden Hunger Syndrome" in developing nations caused by deficiency of micronutrients in the soil while bringing cracks in the environment due to poor farming methods. This particular health problem was addressed at a global level in various forums and overstretched the people to consider this issue in depth and to struggle with it. Soil Care Organics environmentalists has overviewed and studied this subject in detail and formulate its plan to revitalize the soil that is critically affected by the ordinary & conservative farming practices. With the under-nourished soil the crop production is less as well as poor in nutrients together with its return to farmer with seepage in the environment. Altogether these three factors impress the health to a lower degree and become the reasons of many diseases and even death.
Hari Kranti will combat this dignified & degenerated health & environment issue with their marked team, committed leadership skills, by capturing worldwide farming community and their associates, common citizen attention on our enhanced Healthy Farming methods while relaying our policy in detail to practice this farming for sustainable growth of their nutritious crop, income while widening the scope to recover the environment damage.

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Mission & Vision

To live people healthy and wealthy life.
To provide equal opportunity to all section of the society.
To provide simple and best business plan.
To help people to live economical independent life on their own terms.
To be the best company in the world and make a difference in the live of those who believe that success is what it takes to do it.

हमारा आदर्श (Our model) : -

Our Value : We believe to build a positive team culture through family spirits.
Honesty : Always tell the truth, even when it hurts to do so.
Respects : Focus only on the positive qualities of everyone around you.
Humanity : Do not place your wants before the needs of others.

Why You Choose Us?

Since 2024

Heritage & Ancient

Today, modern medical practitioners are drawing inspiration from the ancient curatives documented by the herbal healers of history.

Purely Natural

Fresh from Source

Our award-winning and highly commended hair butters and nectar oil, nourish and strengthen hair to reduce breakages and contains many natural health benefits.


Organic Ingredients

Organic ingredients are food materials from animal or plant origin produced according to organic standards. In the U.S., these standards are established

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